Sunday, 12 August 2012

Internet Connection Task

12 August 2012 


The new task is me and team member must do the connection of the keypad 4X3.
The 4x3 keypad connection also must be program with pic 16f877 to work with EM lock
for the door lock application.

As a leader, me give every person with the small task such as , faris go look for the connection of the keypad and hanif works on the EM lock working and the additional required component

to be work.

 As usually, the internet is the one of my group reference.

Firstly , we works on the basic coding of pic 16f877.

////////////The main header coding ////////
#include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)

#include <lcd.c>                            ///////The function include /////
#include <kbd.c>                           ///////The function include /////

void main() {
   char k;

   lcd_init();                                     //////function calling//////
   kbd_init();                                   //////function  calling/////

   lcd_putc("\fReady...\n");              /////lcd on/////
//////main function///////
   while (TRUE) {

The step of the coding is the more important to know before get more on the hard coding because "Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining".  Although this must be have a practice and will became an easy.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Simple coding tris

9 August 2012 

Assamualaikum ....

#include <16f877a.h>                        // declare file PIC16F877A
#use delay(clock=4000000)              // declare frequency internal oscillator, f=4MHz
#fuses hs,nowdt,nolvp,noprotect     // declaration fuses for PIC function
#byte porta=5                                      // declare address for port a=5
#byte portb=6                                      // declare address for port b=6
#byte portc=7                                      // declare address for port c=7
#byte portd=8                                      // declare address for port d=8

void main ()                                           // main function prototype

Thursday, 19 July 2012

RFID Controller

19 July 2012

Assamualaikum ....

 This a image of RFID door lock. My group must configure the card and password for door work to locking.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Configure the RFID with password and keyfob

13 July 2012

The ecoEntry door access system allows the user to open the door using a keyfob, password, or keyfob plus password.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

New Task

17 July 2012 

Assalamualaikum ....

As usually every of the team member HIIS work with their task until finish.
The trainee come on early morning at 9 am to work in the group with their task.

Me and two other member works on the configuration on the RFID door lock on the early
morning. The instruction manual was required with the RFID tools.

Internet are the additional reference to configuration the RFID door lock.

Simple Lab Coding

11 July 2012


the work begin the new way to know the another type of basic coding such as look En Mazran blog.
Before this , me have a learn a little bit about Pic 16f877 on the lab session. Then, me look
the lab report such as , lab 3 :

#include <16f877a.h>                        // declare file PIC16F877A
#use delay(clock=4000000)              // declare frequency internal oscillator, f=4MHz
#fuses hs,nowdt,nolvp,noprotect     // declaration fuses for PIC function
#byte porta=5                                      // declare address for port a=5
#byte portb=6                                      // declare address for port b=6
#byte portc=7                                      // declare address for port c=7
#byte portd=8                                      // declare address for port d=8

Thursday, 12 July 2012

RFID Configure

 12 July 2012

Assamualaikum ....

Begin the new task that is RFID Proximity Access Control System. The system is simpler compared to another security system. The RFID eco entry door access system allows the user to open the door using a keyfob, password, or keyfob plus password.

The configuration jumper

J1 -      This is used to select whether the lock is supplied power to keep
it closed (NC), or is only supplied power to open the lock (NO)
Select (NO) for all 4tronix locks and releases
J2 -      This is used to select a high voltage (12V) or low voltage (2V) for
lock operation. This is supplied set to 12V and should be left like
this for all 4tronix locks
S16 -    This is only used to reset the master password. See following
instructions. Leave connected between Pin1 and Pin2.
            The manual instruction monitors us to install the password and keyfob into RFID system.

There have four important  step  such as entering and exiting system configuration mode, changing the master password, add new user (keyfob), add new user ( password entry ).
The another four setting step to backup set up if user lose their password , wrong key in keypad and etc. The setting is remove one user, remove all users, set door open, reset master password.
The manual instruction is show below:-
Firstly configuration,
System configuration mode:
1.      Normal  operation mode
2.      Press # key
3.      Then press the 5-key master password (default 12345)
4.      Now in system configuration  mode
5.      In this mode you can perform all the configuration you need, without exiting the mode

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Stripping Wire Connection

10 July 2012 

Assamualaikum ....

A grateful for Allah for give me a live to go to work at HIIS. 

We are briefing to clamp the wire and how to strip the wire using three of the tools.


Microchip PicDem2-Plus board

6 July 2012

Assamualaikum ....

This is the pins of the Microchip PicDem2-Plus board.

// flex_lcd.c
// These pins are for the Microchip PicDem2-Plus board,
// which is what I used to test the driver. Change these
// pins to fit your own board.
#define LCD_DB4 PIN_B4
#define LCD_DB5 PIN_B5
#define LCD_DB6 PIN_B6
#define LCD_DB7 PIN_B7
#define LCD_E   PIN_B1
#define LCD_RW  PIN_B2
#define LCD_RS  PIN_B3

Monday, 9 July 2012

9 July 2012 

En Mazran were introduce the programming software that will be use until last of the internship 

The software is the pic kit software. The coding was write on the another one software which is CCS compiler and the HEX file for the compiler is transfer to pic kit .

First step : 

Second step : 

Third step : 


Thursday, 5 July 2012

5 July 2012


We begin the task for soldering the component 

after the component were just looking by En.Mazran my supervisor, defectiveness were checked.
En. Mazran give us task to identified the which defectiveness of the soldering. The international standard soldering and standard surface mount assemblies. We are require to revise the two module:

- module 4 ( soldering)
- module 7 ( surface mount assemblies)

After the revision the two module me have identified several defectiveness such as Excess solder - solder webbing/splashes, soldering anomalies - Pin Holes/Blow Holes.

figure : The new model of IPC book

before we solder, we must know the several type of component such as resistor, capacitor, relay and etc. The polarity of the diode and led must be identified.

figure : the circuit

which of the component is not with him, him told to every of member to dis solder the component from the last project. 

the tools most important is sucker.  

  • note : do not use sucker to the PCB board 
the sucker would discard the line of PCB board 

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

assalammualaikum, the new task is to know department of senior management.
The most important of the UTeM holding UTeM's thrust areas are multidisciplinary in nature, which include and draws on the strengths of existing faculties, research centers, institute and laboratories within the university. The university has adopted this strategic approach to take advantage of the interrelationship of research areas and discipline and therefore capitalize on the four thrust areas in which the university has strategic advantages.

Prof Dr. Muhammad Ghazie bin ismail

   The university has identified four categories of research grants, namely internal, external, industry and international grant.Internal or short term research grants are to build capacity in research for new and young research.The most important person of the HITECH Integrated Inovation solution SDN BHD. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ghazie as backbone to get the strategical of electronic research and development.


Thursday, 28 June 2012

A jOuRneY of InDusTriAL PrActICal

28 June 2012


Today is my first day at HITECH INTERGRATED INOVATION SOLUTION SDN BHD or knownly as HISS for my intership.

Always A Pioneer Always Ahead 

A grateful for Allah. A journey have been begin at UTeM holding sdn. bhd.


Associate Professor Dr Abdul Rani bin Othman
Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

                                                                   Mazran bin Esro

                                                     Engr. Siva Kumar A/L Subramaniam

First day on the touch 

briefing the project have been develop by the company, where the dealing or directed project to, the briefing of the most of component of electronics.

- SAMB sdn bhd is the one of the company that HITECH was supplier the product 
- SAMB is located at wisma persekutuan MITC - The fist product have been installed is "water level detection".

The briefing the components and tools. 

- solder tool and solder lead.
-the knowledge of the components is less.

Two type of  component "surface mount technology" 

- SMD (surface mount device).
- through hole device 

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

The Practicing Soldering Technic

26 June 2012


My second day in the training to be perfect.

As result