Sunday, 12 August 2012

Internet Connection Task

12 August 2012 


The new task is me and team member must do the connection of the keypad 4X3.
The 4x3 keypad connection also must be program with pic 16f877 to work with EM lock
for the door lock application.

As a leader, me give every person with the small task such as , faris go look for the connection of the keypad and hanif works on the EM lock working and the additional required component

to be work.

 As usually, the internet is the one of my group reference.

Firstly , we works on the basic coding of pic 16f877.

////////////The main header coding ////////
#include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)

#include <lcd.c>                            ///////The function include /////
#include <kbd.c>                           ///////The function include /////

void main() {
   char k;

   lcd_init();                                     //////function calling//////
   kbd_init();                                   //////function  calling/////

   lcd_putc("\fReady...\n");              /////lcd on/////
//////main function///////
   while (TRUE) {

The step of the coding is the more important to know before get more on the hard coding because "Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining".  Although this must be have a practice and will became an easy.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Simple coding tris

9 August 2012 

Assamualaikum ....

#include <16f877a.h>                        // declare file PIC16F877A
#use delay(clock=4000000)              // declare frequency internal oscillator, f=4MHz
#fuses hs,nowdt,nolvp,noprotect     // declaration fuses for PIC function
#byte porta=5                                      // declare address for port a=5
#byte portb=6                                      // declare address for port b=6
#byte portc=7                                      // declare address for port c=7
#byte portd=8                                      // declare address for port d=8

void main ()                                           // main function prototype

Thursday, 19 July 2012

RFID Controller

19 July 2012

Assamualaikum ....

 This a image of RFID door lock. My group must configure the card and password for door work to locking.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Configure the RFID with password and keyfob

13 July 2012

The ecoEntry door access system allows the user to open the door using a keyfob, password, or keyfob plus password.